Welcome to Triumphant King Luthern Church’s website! Worship services on Sundays 11:00 am! 4700 Lamont Way, Lake Oswego. TKLC Adult Bible Study is at 10:30 on Thursdays, in the church choir room!
Our Preschool has “Open Enrollment”. . . (A four-hour Special Program, call Cheryl, 503-636-8683);
In addition, we offer an Early Childcare Enrichment Daycare program that is State Certified.
See “Announcements” BELOW for more info . . . or email [email protected]

Our Church . . . Come Worship With Us!
Join us for Worship Services on Sundays at 11:00 AM. Service is available on Zoom. Adult Bible class Thursdays, 10:30 AM.
We welcome you to meet our pastor, congregation and to attend our church programs!
Communion is on 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.

Meet our Pastor
Philemon Ngare . . .
Pastor was born in S/Nyanza, Kenya, Africa, raised in Oyugis, attended Matongo Lutheran Theological College and received a Master of Divinity degree in Minneapolis, MN in 2004. He speaks Luo, Swahili and English; met his wife, Eva, a graduate of UofMN. They have two beautiful girls. Pastor’s email: [email protected]

Contact and Directions
Triumphant King Lutheran Church is located at 4700 Lamont Way Lake Oswego, OR 97035 (in the trees, by the lake). Our email address for questions or additional information is: [email protected].
We offer a peaceful setting, friendly folks and plenty of property and spaces for all to enjoy!
Be sure to check out our Preschool and our Enrichment Center. Follow these links to find out more about both:
We are open! And we are offering Pre-K and child care services.
Here is a photo of our play structure.
It is located on a large wooded and secure play area.
Follow the buttons above to find out more about our services. We look forward to hearing from you.

Worship With Us
Regular Church Services Worship are held at the church, in person, at 11:00 am every Sunday. We invite you and the community and the general public to join us! In addition, we offer a Zoom Service, as well, if interested, please send an email to: [email protected]. We encourage any and all people to join with us in worshiping our Lord!
Our Values
“Proclaiming the Good News for life” is about people hearing, living, and sharing the Gospel. God welcomes us in Jesus Christ, His Son, and we gather for worship, community, and service to His children.
We help each other “Be in the Word, Care for One Another, Tell the Good News, Remain Faithful, and Live in Peace” as Christ’s disciples, together with the whole Church – for daily life with God and love for neighbor.
In His name we proclaim to everyone who comes to His House at Triumphant King Lutheran Church: Welcome Home!”

This Just In
Triumphant King Lutheran Church email . . . Office@tklc=lcms.org
TKLC members feel a particular joy seeing our small micro-church continue to thrive and change to meet the needs of those who live near or call Triumphant King home. Come and meet us on any Sunday (in the trees and near the lake). We have wonderful Preschool and Childcare, too! Our Preschool Phone # is: (503) 636-8683

Announcements for this week
Holy Communion is the 2nd and 4th Sunday, each month. read more…