King’s Children’s Preschool
We are now fully licensed to provide PreK in our Preschool which is a four-hour recorded program. The Preschool is a Non-Profit Christian School. And, we provide Full-time State-Certified Childcare in our Childhood Enrichment Center for up to 20 students.
— Spiritual — Cognitive — Physical — Emotional — Social —
King’s children are exposed to a variety of learning experiences through phonics, social studies, music, science, art awareness, reading/math, puppets, books, and free play. We provide the children with a nutritious morning snack while lunches are brought from home. In addition, there are various field trips throughout the community. We hold chapel services for our students each month and parents are welcome to attend.
We follow the Lake Oswego District school calendar, with the exception of teacher “in service” days. Parent-Teacher conferences are held twice per year for the Pre-Kindergarten class and once per year for the Preschool (three-year-old) class. There is no school on conference days.
King’s Children is a ministry of Triumphant King Lutheran Church. Our “WHOLE CHILD” approach to education includes child development in the following areas:
We celebrate each child’s individually as God’s special creation and encourage them to grow within the love of Jesus!
Schedule for a typical day
09:00 – 09.15 Arrival/parental sign-in
09:15 – 10:00 Free play/Pre-K writing/Worksheets
10:00 – 10:45 Pledge of Allegiance/Circle time
10:45 – 11:00 Wash for snack/snack
11:00 – 11:45 Art
11:45 – 12:00 Bible Story/Circle
12:00 – 12:25 Wash-up/Lunch
12:25 – 12:45 Indoor/Outdoor play
12:45 – 01:00 Music/Lord’s Prayer/Dismissal
King’s Children Payment Schedule
M/W/F Pre-K class……………….$375. per month
T/TH Preschool class……………$325. per month
4 days, any combination……..$400. per month
5 day option………………………..$450. per month
Registration Fee…………………..$100. payable with application and is NON-REFUNDABLE.
Snack Fee……………………………..$25 (Sept.); $25 (Jan)
Childcare Center……………………$7 per hour
Contact Information
King’s Children Preschool 503-636-8683
Director/Teacher Cheryl Packard 503-635-7025 or 971-344-1709
Childcare Coordinator Selene Ortiz
King’s Children Preschool Application, (please print, fill in, attach a check payable to “King’s Children Preschool,” and mail to: Triumphant King Lutheran Church, Attention: Mrs. Cheryl Packard, 4700 Lamont Way, Lake Oswego, OR 97035)